
At Cordano Dental, we understand how life-changing missing teeth can be. Missing teeth can disrupt many aspects of your daily life, like eating, talking, and smiling. We want to help you get rid of these issues and get back to enjoying your life.

Significant tooth loss requires dentures rather than just replacing a single tooth. Cordano Dental offers implant-supported dentures so you can get the best possible fit while retaining the convenience of being able to remove the dentures at night and to clean your mouth.

If you are missing a significant amount of teeth, call Cordano Dental today and we will get you set up with a dental professional who can analyze your situation and work with you to create a customized treatment plan.

What Are Implant-Supported Dentures?

When they hear the word ‘dentures,’ most people immediately think of the glass by grandma’s bed where she put her teeth at night. Traditional dentures, like the ones your grandma probably had, use suction to stay in place on your gums. However, these can shift around, especially on your lower teeth.

Implant-supported dentures make this annoying shifting a thing of the past. These dentures use dental implants, or small rods placed in the jaw bone and used to anchor tooth-replacement crowns, to keep dentures firmly in place. The set of teeth have several places where they anchor onto the implant posts.

Benefits of Implant-Supported Dentures

Different people have different considerations for which kind of dentures they need. There are many reasons that traditional dentures may be the best choice for a certain person. That being said, for most people, implant-supported dentures have many benefits. Some of these include:

  • Jaw bone stimulation. When the jaw bone loses the roots of your teeth, it no longer has the stimulation it needs. Implant-supported dentures act like tooth roots and stimulate the jaw to prevent bone deterioration.
  • Natural-looking teeth. Implants are the most natural-looking option for tooth replacement. They are customized to your ideal color, shape, and size for a beautiful smile.
  • Normal functioning. Implant-supported dentures are very secure, so you won’t need to worry about avoiding particularly hard or chewy foods. Individuals may have certain foods they need to avoid, so make sure you listen to your dentist for a personalized treatment and maintenance plan.
  • Ability to remove. Implant-supported dentures are removable so that you can fully clean both them and your mouth. This keeps your mouth and gums healthy.

If you need dentures, Cordano Dental would love to help you! Call today to schedule a consultation with one of our friendly and professional dentists.